The goal of this project is to create a Telegram Bot.

If you are not familiar with Telegram, it’s one of the biggest chat networks.

What is a Telegram bot? It’s a program that listens for commands and can interact with you.

Our bot will be called @botranslate.

Its job is to translate every message we send to it.

By default it will try to interpret the origin language, and will translate it t‘o english.

However you can perform some operations through special commands:

  • /from <language> will change the origin language to a specific one
  • /to <language> will translate messages to that language

The preferences will be stored by the bot in its own database.

It will also remember all your commands by default, storing them in a safe place, so you can also see your entire history by running /history.

The bot is privacy-savvy, so you can run /clear to clear all your history, and /dnt (do not track) to stop tracking your messages. /dt (do track) will revert that decision.

Sounds good? Let’s go!

Go to the next lesson